Sarah Ingham

About Sarah

My name is Sarah Ingham and I am the Massage, ScarWork and Myofascial Release (MFR) Practitioner at the Bidwell Osteopathic Practice, Dartington, Totnes, Devon.

I trained as a Registered General Nurse in London and subsequently had many years working in Portsmouth and Torbay hospitals.

I qualified in Holistic Swedish Massage at Devon's Garamia Foundation for Complementary Medicine in 2011. I have since undertaken further training in remedial, deep tissue massage and MFR at the Exeter School of Bodywork.

My treatments include Massage, Scarwork and Myofascial Release. These treatments are specifically tailored to the individual and can complement the work of the Osteopaths if required. I am also qualified in pregnancy massage and aromatherapy.

I am privileged to have been personally taught the unique skills of ScarWork by its founder Sharon Wheeler from Seattle, United States.

I treat adults, teenagers, children and am Disclosure and Barring (DBS) checked. I am a member of the British Complementary Medicines Association (BCMA).